
Showing posts from 2017

3 Reasons To Go From Debtor to A Saver

If you are trying to manage a business or a household even if you are the only one in it, it is important that you know where every cent goes and that you do not spend more than you take in. At one time I spent a number of years working in financial services for an insurance company and then later a debt settlement company. During this time I personally spoke to hundreds of families about their financial life. It is utterly amazing how many people have no idea what they do with their finances on a monthly basis. Most people do keep track to some degree, but many are simply too lazy to discipline themselves to do simple math and then wonder why they are unable to fulfill even the smallest of their dreams. Many will purchase the “things" they want and need but never the time to enjoy life. We as Americans seem to be mesmerized by surface rather than substance. Here are 3 Reasons why every Young Cubicle Soldier must make saving as much a habit as paying rent or utiliti...

Damaged, Fractured Yet Responsible

The family unit as we are told it should be although real, ideal and perhaps the standard to reach just isn't the reality for a large portion of individuals throughout the planet. When both parental units are available as well as present the product/offspring learn social lessons much earlier and deeper.  These are the little combinations in life that make relations and relationships.  It is through family interaction in the early years where we obtain our first glimpse of the expectation of the adult we think we are supposed to become.  Both of my parents were born in Chicago, Illinois during the 1920's from parents who may have migrated from the southern states. Both were only children (without siblings) and divorced from each other by 1965 when I was about 2 years of age.  A negro couple in the States during the Civil Rights Movement divorcing, eliminating their family at a time when the solid family unit was exactly what was needed became common...

Failure the Proper Perspective

The maturity level of a great man or woman can be seen in how well we handle failure. If we can begin to see failure for what it truly is, we will note that it is nothing more than necessary feed back. FAILURE is FEEDBACK Failure shows us areas that need improvement. Whether we need to change our approach to a situation or change ourselves, failure much like pain is a warning signal that something is wrong. Something needs to be addressed before we are able to move forward and obtain our target. In this country we are taught to value ourselves according to what activities we involve ourselves with, our financial status, physical appearance and all these other nonsensical ideas that although have some value are in the grand scheme of things on the shallow side. FAILURE DOES NOT DEFINE YOU AS A PERSON Failures, no matter how many we experience do not dictate our worth. In the eyes of God we are wonderfully made. He delights in us. He wants to see us obtain all he has...

Your Calling - Your Passion

It always starts out with "What is the one thing that you do so well and enjoy doing so much that you would gladly do it for FREE?" I have heard this phrase a million times and totally understood it. But the journey to find my passion has taken most of my life. I can say with a certainty that my passion is teaching life skills to young artists and the marginalized. Some people know exactly what they are meant to do in life at an early age. But like most people it took much life experience, study and discovery before stumbling on my gifts even though all areas envolved were gifts I possessed as a child.  Funny how that works out. Do you struggle between service to others and the need to make money and earn a living? I certainly did. HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Go back in time and embrace the feelings and energy you experienced when you first made the decision "This Is What I Am Meant To Do!" This was way back when you had no idea how any of it would ever co...

Self-Talk and the Tape Replay

What is Self-Talk? Self-Talk is nothing more than you talking to you inside of you. As you read these words every once in awhile, you may agree, disagree or form an opinion where you hear your voice in your head. Psychologists call our inner voice 'Self-Talk' and it includes our conscious thoughts as well as our unconscious assumptions or beliefs. The Tape Replay  For grudge holders like myself, managing the tape replay in my head became a full time job. Depending on how deep the perceived personal hurt there was a direct correlation to how often and intense the replay would unfold . Over and over every inch, every comment, every raised eyebrow would run across the screen in my head . Of course no matter how many scenarios I discovered that could have been obviously there was no way to change the past. This intern increased my anger and frustration every time the tape completed. Sometimes the tape would replay back to back, end to end covering many stories a...

When Worlds Collide or Be All You Can Be On Your Own Time

Are your evening classes on an awkward night? Is your band leader on your back for too many late arrivals to rehearsal? Data Entry by day, Performing Artist by night? Yes, like it or not if you are one of those bold and creative ones who follow their dreams yet you're fully aware that you still need that day job, you may be of the artist mold...and we artists by nature run on our own steam. Some of us have more self-discipline than others but if you have other responsibilities as well as a passion for your craft whatever it may be then you will need to be organized. You have chosen a path where the inner you will have to shine bright and your work ethic show to be plain and clear. Although it is a new and modern employment world, some people and organizations will remain resistant as well they should. So by your own discipline you must prove yourself in your word and deed. No one ever said it would be easy to balance your passion with the rest of your life and many ...

Through BROKENNESS - A Life Worth Living

BROKENNESS is a horrible feeling yet at the same time can be the beginning of a fantastic journey or rebuilding process. When we are Broken, all distractions have been removed and we're almost at our wits end. This is where there's nowhere else to go but to be open and honest with ourselves. This is where 'change' can take place within us. For the Young Cubicle Soldier, this can be a hard lesson learned. Very few people actually enjoy pain while most of us do whatever we can to avoid painful situations at all costs. Yet, as sure as death and taxes visit us all, so also will trials and challenges.  Running from or avoiding responsibility is a sure way to remain stunted in our maturity. The process of pushing through something that is bigger than ourselves stretches us and being stretched although not fun can be extremely rewarding. Your friends and loved ones may not recognize that there is even an issue brewing inside you. In truth, no one aside from yourself...

Embrace Simplicity - Dial Down the Noise

I'd like to make a point on how important it is that you are careful when comparing yourself to other people. It's easy to get caught up in the "feeling" as if we are not progressing based on a surface view of what we may think others are doing within their own lives.  This Is A Lie and A Trap! The over exposure of entertainment in our culture has us brainwashed into confusing our WANTS with our NEEDS. It has also set a standard of beauty that is so unrealistic that there is, in my opinion a mass epidemic of Self-Mutilation that is encouraged on a grand scale. DIAL DOWN the NOISE  When we are on our way to becoming our true self, in the process we learn to focus our thoughts and behavior in an increasingly deliberate manner. There will be many challenges to becoming your true self, many of which will be other people. All other outside voices and influential distractions will need to be dialed down to a minimum. This does not mean ...