Through BROKENNESS - A Life Worth Living

BROKENNESS is a horrible feeling yet at the same time can be the beginning of a fantastic journey or rebuilding process. When we are Broken, all distractions have been removed and we're almost at our wits end. This is where there's nowhere else to go but to be open and honest with ourselves. This is where 'change' can take place within us.

For the Young Cubicle Soldier, this can be a hard lesson learned. Very few people actually enjoy pain while most of us do whatever we can to avoid painful situations at all costs. Yet, as sure as death and taxes visit us all, so also will trials and challenges.  Running from or avoiding responsibility is a sure way to remain stunted in our maturity. The process of pushing through something that is bigger than ourselves stretches us and being stretched although not fun can be extremely rewarding.

Your friends and loved ones may not recognize that there is even an issue brewing inside you. In truth, no one aside from yourself and God can possibly know what you are going through. They may have an understanding of the situation but no one lives in your head but you. Because of this, it may be that you are misunderstood in your trials. This is not unusual but perfectly normal.

     1. Brokenness can leave you alone with your thoughts and with God: It is wise to take advantage of this time of reflection that has been forced on you.

     2. Brokenness can leave you hungry and desperate for something more: While reflecting on your past make a list of ways you can shape your future. Don't be afraid to consider some old ideas that were discarded. They may be important now.

     3. True Brokenness should make you want to stop pretending:  Take off the image that you present to the world and embrace the changes you know must be made. This may be the most difficult part of the process but you must be honest with yourself to achieve any real and lasting growth. 

Whether we like it or not our trials, struggles and hardships can become the most effective learning tools that we can ever experience. We should harness that negativity and use it for the good in life to propel us forward to the next level.

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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