Failure the Proper Perspective

The maturity level of a great man or woman can be seen in how well we handle failure. If we can begin to see failure for what it truly is, we will note that it is nothing more than necessary feed back.


Failure shows us areas that need improvement. Whether we need to change our approach to a situation or change ourselves, failure much like pain is a warning signal that something is wrong. Something needs to be addressed before we are able to move forward and obtain our target. In this country we are taught to value ourselves according to what activities we involve ourselves with, our financial status, physical appearance and all these other nonsensical ideas that although have some value are in the grand scheme of things on the shallow side.


Failures, no matter how many we experience do not dictate our worth. In the eyes of God we are wonderfully made. He delights in us. He wants to see us obtain all he has for us. That means mistakes do not take us out of the game. We get out when we choose to do so.


Most people view failure or the act of not hitting the mark or reaching their goal as a negative. Every time you don’t reach the desired out come, you discover another area where you need to improve your knowledge or skill set. Without failure we could never become Champions. Failure is only negative when we continue to act out the same bad decision or action over and over and not learn from the consequence. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always had. Thomas Edison performed thousands of experiments to discover the light bulb. Every failure was viewed as ‘one more discovery on how it won’t work'. The average entrepreneur or business builder fails in business eight to ten times before succeeding with a venture that’s built to last. Even if you fail 9 times, number ten could very well be the one.

No matter how many times it takes to get it right, there is no reason to give up if you are learning why you missed the mark and how to fix the problem. You can never unlearn anything. ( repeat this out-loud )

Written by 〰 Bruce P (Odd) Collard

By OddCollard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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Photo Courtesy of: Death to Stock Photo


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