When Worlds Collide or Be All You Can Be On Your Own Time

Are your evening classes on an awkward night?

Is your band leader on your back for too many late arrivals to rehearsal?

Data Entry by day, Performing Artist by night?

Yes, like it or not if you are one of those bold and creative ones who follow their dreams yet you're fully aware that you still need that day job, you may be of the artist mold...and we artists by nature run on our own steam. Some of us have more self-discipline than others but if you have other responsibilities as well as a passion for your craft whatever it may be then you will need to be organized.

You have chosen a path where the inner you will have to shine bright and your work ethic show to be plain and clear. Although it is a new and modern employment world, some people and organizations will remain resistant as well they should. So by your own discipline you must prove yourself in your word and deed. No one ever said it would be easy to balance your passion with the rest of your life and many an artist never even considered the idea. Both your passion and income are equally valuable until such time as your passion creates your income.

Here are a few tips to help keep you on track when your job and career goals collide.

1) Know How To Act and Appear The Part:

Just because your employer took you on with all the adornments (tattoos & piercings) doesn't mean they have decided to slack off the company dress code. Sometimes people actually like you for you. You were hired under specific pretense and you agreed, therefore you have an obligation to dress accordingly . Be all you can be on your own time.

2) Mind Your Own Business:
When punching the clock, keep your event planning side gig off the company computer. These days a person can do just about anything on a smartphone but even then be sure to utilize specified down time like breaks or lunch time to make any calls and handle your business.

3) Show Up:
No really, show up and be ready to contribute your best. There may be times when you are spread too thin so if your passion involves late nights or long weekends, you will need some kind of plan or mutual understanding with your employer. Always share your schedule when work and passion may overlap. Always remain accountable.

TO SUMMARIZE: You want what you want out of life and you want what you need as well. If your passion is important enough to pursue then it is important enough to handle on a professional level. Both worlds are a reflection of you and there is no reason why you cannot be a champion at each arena.

By OddCollard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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Photo Courtesy of: Death to Stock Photo


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