Self-Talk and the Tape Replay

What is Self-Talk?

Self-Talk is nothing more than you talking to you inside of you. As you read these words every once in awhile, you may agree, disagree or form an opinion where you hear your voice in your head. Psychologists call our inner voice 'Self-Talk' and it includes our conscious thoughts as well as our unconscious assumptions or beliefs.

The Tape Replay 

For grudge holders like myself, managing the tape replay in my head became a full time job. Depending on how deep the perceived personal hurt there was a direct correlation to how often and intense the replay would unfold . Over and over every inch, every comment, every raised eyebrow would run across the screen in my head . Of course no matter how many scenarios I discovered that could have been obviously there was no way to change the past. This intern increased my anger and frustration every time the tape completed. Sometimes the tape would replay back to back, end to end covering many stories and fabrications desperately searching for some video where I came up the winner. 

Now here's the deal. It wasn’t that I couldn’t stop the tape. It’s that no one ever told me that I had any control to stop it in the first place. Imagine my surprise at the discovery of the fact that I myself had the ability within me to recalculate the course of my thought process. I was then, am now and will always be responsible for how I feel and think no matter the insult, bad relationship or failed whatever. 


No matter how small the win, it is important that you keep your spirits up. Acknowledge your progress, yours and every body around you. When you get a success, what is your mind telling you? “I’m lucky, "This was a one time thing", "Yes, I did OK here but what about all these other problems"? Or do you tell yourself “I earned this win" or "I deserve this". Winning and knowing what it feels like to win repeatedly provides the momentum that one needs when striving to obtain our goals. The sad part is, everyone has wins all through life. Some people overcome phenomenal challenges, yet they don’t identify the accomplishment with anything of significance.


In really taking an honest assessment of life, I found a set of accomplishments that had I not taken the advice of people who loved me, I would have never been able to see myself through the eyes of others and would have missed some events of great importance and motivation to me.

Take some time to really look at the things and events in life that you have participated in. Take as much time as you need, a week or more if need be. Pay particular attention to lifes most difficult experiences.

Using LOSS as an example: Unemployment (job loss), relationships (by death or otherwise) or theft (loss of major importance). Feel free to cover any area of your life.

☆ How did you "feel" when this experience 1st took place?

☆ What did you do to get through it?

☆ How did you "feel" after the experience had passed?

☆ Did the experience turn out to be as difficult as you originally anticipated?

By OddCollard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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Photo Courtesy of: Death to Stock Photo


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