Self Reflection is Painful - (a rant)

I know this rant is going to offend some of my Christian brothers and sisters but I find myself apologizing for whatever it was anyone has gone through that brings out the bitterness displayed towards people of faith. And although I myself am a devout follower of Christ, I too have a problem with the attitude and behavior by the majority of self professed Christians and what the Christian Church has become here in the west. Just like with our parents, as children we model what we see our leadership do. We are full of "busy work".  

BUSY WORK: The act of looking like you are making a difference all the while ignoring what Christ has truly called of us.   

BUSY WORK: protesting at abortion clinics or the funeral services of our fallen military heroes in the name of Christ or any other outward display of so called piety yet never truly getting into the Word or prayer to actually gain the heart and mind of Christ oneself.

BUSY WORK: Giving the appearance of sounding spiritual/churchy with no actual evidence in one's life.  

Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

We are called to go out into the world and SHARE the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. We are NOT called to infiltrate government with the intent of telling everyone else how to live their lives. This is just "busy work".

We are called to marry one man and one woman under God. If someone in the church has a problem with gay marriage, then don't get gay married. Easy fix. Denying marriage to the homosexual community is unconstitutional anyway. In my lifetime my black father could have gone to prison for driving my white stepmother across state lines because there are people, so called Christians who actually believed and still believe that God never intended for the races to intermarry. (even though all DNA points back to Africa) Yet denying mixed race marriages was unconstitutional....so laws changed. Do not confuse the Constitution of the United States with true Bible doctrine, they have nothing to do with each other. As with the issue of abortion, telling nonbelievers what they should or shouldn't do is just "busy work". If your argument is the sanctity of life well upon death "absent from the body, present with the Lord." Yet another child that won't be born into a family situation where they weren't wanted in the 1st place or shoved off into the foster system where abuse is guaranteed. Do a Google search on what happens to the vast majority of children in the system of any country particularly in Britain prior to the availability of birth control. Why are we telling the world not to have sex prior to marriage when sex in the church is out of control? Those rules are for US...for good reason. Human nature and carnal desires are overwhelmingly powerful in all humans of all faiths…..all faiths.

And speaking of gay marriage, abortion and all the LGBTQ+ issues currently going on, what would seem to be the 3 biggest church issues, why is the church so preoccupied with SEX? As if murder, thievery and putting anything before God are second or third class sins. And if sex is such an issue, why is it when a pastor gets caught sexing up women or men in his congregation he's reinstated? Everyone is plainly aware of the current firearms nonsense that is happening nationwide. Holding nonbelievers to a standard that we should be holding ourselves to...but don't makes no sense to me.  

With the exception of the gospels, the new testament are letters written directly to the church, NOT the world. These letters show us how we are to live as a family of believers as we wait for Christ to return for his bride. They are not directed to the world at all. Yet so much of what the church says and does seems to be directed to holding nonbelievers to a standard meant for committed followers of Jesus while simultaneously trying to delay the return of Christ altogether. WHY? Passing legislation to appease the ‘religious’ has not and will not make one shred of difference. It's all just “busy work”.

Why the obsession with the Republican party?  I have yet to hear any politician from either party claiming to be a part of the so called Christian Right say anything outside of the normal political "busy work" talking points with the exception of former President Jimmy Carter and he wasn't even a Republican. All these wannabes running for office who claim to be members of Christ's Church only repeat the same talking points just like everyone else who came before them. Many of these same christian politicians eventually get caught stealing money, in extra marital affairs or in airport bathroom stalls trying to make out with other men. If you consider yourself a believer and you plan on running for public office, please do us all a favor and don't use your faith as part of your platform. If you are truly a follower of Christ you won't need to say anything, your life will show it. Otherwise you're doing little more than making the rest of us look bad. And by the way, the United States Supreme Court does not exist to debate scripture. Stop expecting government to pass church-friendly legislation...that isn't the job of our representatives.

Why all the "busy work?" Because Self Reflection is Painful. It's far easier to point a finger at others than it is to put your own house in order. If we were to do what we are told and police our own within the church and our families I sincerely believe there would be far more true believers than there actually are. If we were to do what we are told more non believers would respect us as individuals and as a group. I truly believe much of the hate we receive we unnecessarily bring on ourselves.  In my opinion, the majority of the loudest talkers are not Spirit-filled themselves. This is what happens when the spiritually lazy, those who only want to listen to others rather than putting in their own study and devotional time gain an audience of any size. I have met so called christians who believe the version of Christ portrayed in TV and movies only. You can't obtain all the benefits and blessings and be exempt from the trials and tribulations that come with the Christian walk. The phrase "no pain, no gain" means it is impossible to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically or intellectually without struggle. Too many Americans want to look as if they've arrived and receive honor and adulation but let one of life's speed bumps come up and these same people fall to pieces when their first prayer goes unanswered. Too many of us are living a lie because Self Reflection is Painful.

It doesn't matter your secret sin, be it pornography, cheating on your tax returns or stealing from your kids savings. Clean up your own house. Check your fellow believers in their behavior. Raise your children in the ways of the Lord. But stop trying to prove to the world that we're better than everyone else when the outward evidence illustrates the contrary.

Yes it's difficult to walk in true faith because Self Reflection is Painful.

Bruce (Odd) Collard〰

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

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