Handle Your Finances

At one time I spent a number of years working in financial services for an insurance company and then later a debt settlement company. During this time I personally spoke to hundreds of families about their financial woes. It is utterly amazing how many people have no idea what they do with their finances on a monthly basis.

There were many examples of poor money management but there was one gentlemen in particular who made well over $300k annually. But because he had to keep up with the Joneses, while running the numbers with him on his financial profile, no matter how many times we did the math he still only had $188 left at the end of the month.

Another client well into her senior years was more concerned with paying her credit cards then she was about taking care of herself. While her income was only $1,100 monthly, with rent and utilities around $600 she chose to give $400 to her credit cards alone and spend a mere $50 on food for herself to cover an entire month. This is sad but it’s what I found many of the elderly to be doing out there.

What can be frustrating to see with both of these stories is the stressing out over circumstances that in most cases can be easily fixed with a plan, self discipline and some patience. This kind of anxiety will have your body aging faster robbing you of the ability to design your own life.

3 QUICK IDEAS for the YCS 

1. GIVE BACK: There is a Universal Law of -
▪ You reap what you sow
▪ You get what you give
▪ What goes around comes around
▪ Karma is real

No one is exempt. The measure in which you give back to others will directly affect the measure in which you are blessed. Trust me on this, it’s real.

2. Do you want to BE somebody or do you just want to look like somebody? If you want to have more than just an image of only looking successful, avoid at all costs purchasing more of a vehicle than you truly need. In years past far too many young folks were purchasing these big SUV’s committing to making massive monthly payments, plus rent and utilities along with all of the other necessities. So when opportunities come to invest for their future, there isn't much left to work with.

3. Start your retirement and investment planning as young as you can. Albert Einstein said compound interest is the greatest gift to mankind. The more timeyour money has to work for you, the better off you will be. Insurance is your friend. Although it may seem like a money taker, insurance can save you from a multitude of life altering hassles.

Conclusion : Taking control of your money is a major step in taking control of your life. Design your own life, or other people will design it for you.

Written by 〰 Bruce P (Odd) Collard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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