Self Discipline in 10 steps

Ten Ideas On Discipline from Pastor John McArthur of Grace Community Church Los Angeles County, California

1. Begin with small things: Learn to discipline yourself in the little things of life, because it's the little things of life that make for the big successes.

2.  Clean Your Environment: Get rid of all that stuff, clean your desk, your room, your house, your garage. Become Discontent with mess in general.

3. Make A Schedule & Learn To Conform To It: Whether it's an absolute hard and fast schedule which appeals to the engineer or accountant type folks, or whether it's a little more fluid , but nonetheless you can anticipate things and you can establish time frames in which they need to be done and learn to train yourself to keep that schedule.

4. Decrease Your Need For Entertainment: Entertainment makes a very, very small contribution to your well being and to your success. Wean yourself off of being entertained.

5. Learn To Be On Time:  Even in small things, even in insignificant things because it says an awful lot about how your life is ordered and how you've preplanned all the stops between here and where you need to be at that moment.

6. Keep Your Word: Don't make promises you don't keep. Make commitments and see them through. That calls for discipline.

7. Do The Hardest Task First : What ever is most difficult, that's what you want to begin with. And save the very easiest thing for last. Most people work on the reverse and when and when they've run out of time, and run out of energy, then they have an excuse not to do what they should have done first because it was most difficult and probably most important.

8.  Finish What You Start: Some people's lives are just a litany of unfinished stuff. If you start it, finish it!

9. Practice Self-denial: Practice self-denial just for the sake of self-denial. Just say NO so you can say to yourself "Self, you can say no when you want to ".

10. Volunteer For Tasks: That means you've got to have your life ordered well enough to say "Hey, I'd like to try that , I want to step into that, I want to help over there". In doing so, you subject yourself to something that really isn't a part of your own agenda, but it's necessary and calls for some order in your life.

By OddCollard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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