Why Do You Want What You Want

Uh oh! Here We Go Again, here it comes. The hot sweats, dizziness, where's my wife? "Honey, I need you to watch me for a few minutes".

That's always the last thing I would say before I went down along with placing my hand somewhere on her body then drift in and out for a few minutes. The Crash & Burn as I called it , is all too familiar to the diabetic. Then there was the spinal issue during those days that kept me grounded 24/7. I miss being Mr Physical and it wasn’t just my age. This is only a portion of my WHY.

▪ WHY the steadfast determination to leave the rat race behind.

▪ WHY the drastic change in my eating habits.

▪ WHY the single minded focus on making my life into what I want it to be.

▪ WHY I will never be so selfish as to deny my wife the experience of my best.

Having a family history of diabetes, heart disease and cancer, I firmly believe that alcohol and a 9 to 5 job that is less than fulfilling has the strong potential of killing you early. This cannot and will not be my fate. Having made that decision now it is my obligation to put action into it and fulfill what is meant to be.

There is a little about my WHY, so what's yours? What drives you? WHY is opening that t-shirt shop so important to you? Do you love life and crave new experiences so much that NOT going to university overseas is off the table? What do you want is question one. However; question two is not How bad do you want it but WHY do you want it! Stew on that for awhile.

Motivational Passion or the passion that motivates us is such an individual thing that it can't be covered in one conversation or even one tape series. Billions of people on this planet yet there is no way to truly put anyone in a box. The human brain, the will of man does not allow such simplicity of organization.

True, some folks know what they're meant to do very early in life. I've met and read about people who knew their passion as young as 12 and 13 years of age. Most of us however; we have to experience things in life and listen for the divine within our soul.

Finding your passion is an individual journey. For tips on how to find out what your true passion is, watch the video within this article and participate in the exercise presented. If you don't yet know your passion, this exercise will at least aid in setting you on the path to finding out.

Written by 〰 Bruce P (Odd) Collard
You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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Photo courtesy of: Death to Stock Photo


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