Your Calling - Your Passion 2

Do What You Love & the Money Will Come....Really!?

Several people I've known personally have made comments to me about this statement and the use of it in my book RISE ABOVE THE ORDINARY. Understandably, the true point at its base level was not made, but that wasn't the purpose of the book. The purpose is to provide ideas on certain habits that a disenfranchised individual can adopt in order to change their lives and further become who God intended that person to be.

Let's break this down.

"What is the one thing that you do so well and enjoy doing so much that you would gladly do it for FREE?"  OK, so you have found your passion or at least, something that can put you on the right path. There are two simple rules necessary in order to make a living from your passion. Now keep in mind, both rules have multiple levels and vary based on what your passion is and who you are. Those levels are part of your personal journey and for you alone to discover. But here, we're going to stick with the basics.

From a Student Mindset to
 a Builders Mindset

Nothing can be accomplished without learning how it's done what ever your chosen endeavour. So there will be a time of nothing but study and research, research and study. From there, once you reach a certain level you will begin putting in a little more action. Possibly just trial and error to see how a system works or to get a feel on how you may best handle the task at hand.

As an example for marketing purposes prior to my first published work, I begin building an audience via my blog posts so that once the work was up on Amazon I already had many people interested in the published piece. Following the direction of authors who came before me I did as I was instructed to the best of my ability. It was more of a trial run if anything but the knowledge gained from actually putting in action not only helped me to see the fruits of my labor but helped set the direction for my business once it reaches a larger scale. There were no expectation to sell 100,000 copies on the 1st run because this marketing project was about learning and getting a feel for how things may role in the future as things grew. Study, Learn & Action.

You'll want to maintain the Student and Building Mindset's simultaneously for the rest of your life. Don't be afraid to launch into action and don't be upset when things don't go as planned. That practically never happens especially on the first time out. Refuse to allow fear to stop you from getting into action. It's real easy to "feel" as if you're moving forward and making things happen without ever stepping out of the student phase. Don't allow your mind to trick you into believing that "busy work" is real work.

Design Your Own Life
Or Other People Will Design It For You

☆Below are some ideas on how you can position yourself in order to gain some of the knowledge you will need for your project.

The Classroom - Some people are better at this style of learning than others. The local high school or college in your area may have evening courses that will help you or at least begin to clear the cobwebs if you’ve been out of the brain exercise loop for a while. Lectures and seminars are also a great way to learn new ideas and network with other people.

The Internet as a Classroom - This learning venue is probably one of the best sources of available information and the least expensive. There are classes that can be taken online, as well as webcasts or podcasts from professionals and educators of all kinds. Also, learning resources are sold by many of these same educators. 
Build Your Own Library
- Invest in books, CDs, and DVDs that have the content you are looking for. Regularly purchasing and keeping the right books and media will allow you to build a personal reference library that you can always go back to. Reading biographies of famous people from throughout history is a great way to motivate you to really want to achieve. If they can do it, you can do it as well.

Advisers, Partners, and Mentors
- “Where there is no counsel, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”(Proverbs 11:14 NKJV) None of us can a achieve anything of significance on our own. We absolutely need the assistance of other people. It is critical, however, that we receive advice from people who are accomplished and qualified in the specific area we need.

Partnering with others is also a great way to learn and an excellent way to meet your goals that are bigger than yourself. Find a mentor, someone who is already successful in whatever venue you are pursuing. Mentoring is an excellent way to launch yourself even closer to your goals by spending even more time around successful, accomplished people. In these environments, you will quickly find your way of thinking changing to a pattern similar to your mentor’s and thus steering you closer to your goal along with the how-to knowledge that you seek. The best way to find a mentor is to just ask someone who is already doing what you want to do.


You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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