The Lost Discipline of the Pencil & Paper

Is Personal Journaling a Dying Discipline?

A Look Back On Your Life Via Your Thoughts In Print

The idea of following and imitating the habits of people who get things done in life became at some level an obsession of mine.  One of the most talked about habits spoken about by the greats of motivational speaking is the act of having a journal on hand.  For myself, putting my thoughts in print was, is and always has been a priority for growth.

At first keeping a journal seemed trivial and I dare say weak.  At that point in my world, I had only heard of girls keeping a diary or old Hollywood black and white movies with Errol Flynn or Ricardo Montalban who were actors portraying pirates recording the days events in the ships log books. I  and was unable to grasp the importance, benefits and therapeutic value of putting pen to paper and holding onto my thoughts for safe keeping to review at a later date.  Eventually, the value of this act did click with me but only after a good stretch of time where I could review life via my thoughts in print and see for myself. Here are some of the things I have learned.

Benefits Of A Journal

  • Know Thyself: When I first embarked on my writing journey it quickly became apparent how continuously putting my thoughts on paper, organizing them in such a way so others could comprehend along with creating and organizing my web page helped in the organization of my thoughts and thought process. I totally was not expecting this positive by product of action taken.

  • Reduce Stress:  Because my mind and spirit are increasingly organized, I sleep better, I handle conflict at a more competent level mainly because some of the other things in the deep recesses of my mind that would normally weigh me down are no longer of consequence. I've worked them out by organizing my thoughts.

  • The Birthing Of Ideas: My 1st published work came into being as I went looking through some old journals searching for an idea of something to do. Originally the digital book Now It's My Turn was supposed to be an 18:min audio recording entitled Design Your Own Life.  The script was inspired and completed in 2006, then put on the back burner for what I figured to be about six years.  In 2013, the idea for a digital book came to mind but at the time there was no manuscript or topic...or so I thought. In truth, it had already been written. All I had to do was organize my thoughts and expound on them in order to create a well-rounded thought in print.

  • Track Patterns: Would you like to break bad habits and improve on your strengths? Well, it helps to know what they are before any adjustments can be made. Through journaling over time, what you can learn about yourself could be invaluable and life changing.

Journal Types

  • Paper: I am an advocate for the old style of journaling. Hands on writing of your own thoughts and feel them as they move from your heart to mind and into print from your own hand.

  • Cell Phone Apps and online tools like Google Keep: Many people with busy lives depend so much on their cell phones and tablets that for many, this may be the practical way to go. My Samsung Android has an app for notes which I use to immediately type out an idea so as not to forget it. Remember, Your Smart Phone Is Your Friend.

Here's a thought.  Let's say you are forty years old (or any age) and you decide to keep a weekly journal for ten years. With all the business of life going on, one day you look up and at age fifty you have the beginnings of your first book or several books. Ten years will blow by and before you know it, we're living in a new era. Stew on that for awhile. The benefits of keeping a journal are numerous.  I only touch on a few points here based on what has had the greatest effect on me. Whether you want to keep track of your thoughts, collect ideas or document your life for posterity, journalling in some form is a must do act for all champions.

By OddCollard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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