Organize Your Space Your mind is much clearer when you have a clean room or a clean house. Make it a habit of straightening things up when they start to get messy, You’ll see how much of a difference it can make in your productivity. Any time I travel away from home for more than 48 hours, I've made a habit of cleaning my living space from top to bottom. After a tiring day in and out of planes, trains or automobiles, nobody wants to come home to a messy house. This way I'm not hit with more tedious work to be done once inside the door. After long hours in transit a person should be able to wind down and prepare for the next day. Clean Your Environment. Get rid of all that stuff, clean your desk, your room, your house, your garage. Become Discontent with mess in general. Reducing clutter in your living space helps to reduce the clutter in your head. Click to view video . “My sense is that if you want to change the world, you start from yourself...