Your Calling - Your Passion

It always starts out with "What is the one thing that you do so well and enjoy doing so much that you would gladly do it for FREE?" I have heard this phrase a million times and totally understood it. But the journey to find my passion has taken most of my life. I can say with a certainty that my passion is teaching life skills to young artists and the marginalized. Some people know exactly what they are meant to do in life at an early age. But like most people it took much life experience, study and discovery before stumbling on my gifts even though all areas envolved were gifts I possessed as a child. Funny how that works out. Do you struggle between service to others and the need to make money and earn a living? I certainly did. HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Go back in time and embrace the feelings and energy you experienced when you first made the decision "This Is What I Am Meant To Do!" This was way back when you had no idea how any of it would ever co...