How Can You Know If Your Dream Is Right For You

What Is Your Level Of Commitment?

When a person is committed, they will accept the responsibility long before they are given the authority.  In general, potential employers at all levels view college graduates as a group who have documentation that proved they took the time and effort to finish something they started. Something much bigger than the individual. They were committed.

  • Commitment Is Largely Misunderstood: When you have the resolve, the resources will follow.

  • Committed Leaders Show It With Their Lives:  "You can't shake hands with a clenched fist" (Ghandi)

  • Commitment Is The Fraternal Twin of Decision: It is your present decisions that determine your future condition.

  • Commitment Does Not Allow You To Get Off Course: If you are avoiding the hard work, it's probably because you are not as committed as much as you may think.

  • Commitment Sometimes Must Be Made Long Before A Situation Arises:  Prior to leaving home and getting on the plane for the convention at the hotel in Las Vegas, he had already decided that under no circumstances would he allow himself to get caught alone with...(you fill in the blank) 

You know when you are committed when you move from a consumer mindset to that of a contributor and recognize the error of past thinking. Here is when you can get your mind as well as your emotions in sync for the same cause.  Never expect your team to have a deeper commitment than yourself.  If you are a leader and yet no one is really following you, then you're just out taking a walk.

As always, please share your thoughts and comment.

Written by 〰 Bruce P (Odd) Collard

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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