The Good Doctor Pt-2

When we last left our weary travelers, they had just received the worst news
an exhausted and exacerbated traveler could get especially in front of witnesses.


With veins popping and expletives flowing the good Dr. Cut-Me-Up was about ready
to Stroke Out! But wait...Mrs. Cut-Me-Up thinking quickly whips out her iPhone as
if it’s a Walther PPK and she’s been given a license to kill...or rather charge.
Yes, that’s right the Apple Farm Inn accepts Apple Pay. (I’m willing to bet most of our staff
doesn’t know this). Quicker than you can say Apple Dumpling their room was secured.
With a little help from a House Man, the couple, their luggage along with their wine
glasses arrived at his personal favorite room 300.

Barely in a seat the phone rings. “Ah what is it now” growls the doctor.                                                                  

Hello, this is Claudia the night manager on duty
I just wanted to see how you two were settling in.
I heard your trip coming down could have been a little more pleasant.

Yea, that’s an understatement” the doctor replied. “Listen there was a
mistake made in scheduling and I thought I had reserved the room under a discounted rate.
I understand the one reservation booked online couldn’t be cancelled but I was
wondering because we’re here so many times every year I was hoping there was
some way we could get a break?

I understand. Are the two of you planning on eating at our restaurant
sometime during your stay?” Claudia asked?

To which the doctor replied, “Yes we were on our way over in a little more
than an hour actually

Well go ahead and charge your meal to the room and we’ll comp
it for you up to $75.00...on us. I can make dinner reservations for you if you like…..

As it turned out for the three days the Cut-Me-Ups were scheduled to stay,
the discounted rate would have dropped $25.00 per day, to exactly what the
Doctor had originally had in mind. Later that evening the couple enters the lobby slowly,
smiling and looking well fed. Pleasantries were passed between the couple and other guests
as well as staff. Dr Cut-Me-Up approached the front desk and with sincerity apologized for
his earlier behavior and thanked both Claudia and Clark for their attentiveness and thorough
preparation for their visit. The Doctor had made a special request for flowers and wine to
be ready in the room upon arrival, all for his wife...just because.

And All Was Right at the Apple Farm

The Good Doctor - Pt 1

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who

due to circumstances beyond their control were
without emotional or financial support


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