REJECTED…Whether a child belittled by an older sibling or a senior citizen snubbed by the local punk-kid cashier, we all deal with rejection throughout our lives. No one I’ve ever met obtains enjoyment from being turned down, turned away or simply told no. The scars that can remain over time could be at least in part, responsible for our slow and stumbling progress.  Rejection or how we allow the follow up feelings from rejection to affect us can leave lasting damage to our self-esteem which intern will impede our forward progress in life. The center of our feelings of rejection stem from who and how we define ourselves.  This is our identity.

The topic of Identity is for another time.  However, you may want to consider who or what are you comparing yourself to and thus attempting to seek approval from?  Is it what your parents, friends or coworkers thought of you? Or is it about status and how much money you earn or the image you portray?  When you're dead and gone, will any of those things continue to define you?

He came to his homeland, and his own people did not receive him. John 1:11. When Jesus began “doing his thing” the first place he went was back home to the people he knew and who knew him well.  Although they considered him to be completely nuts and he may have been disappointed with the reaction that came his way, their rejection did not sway him from his purpose regardless of how he felt about the matter or the people sending the message. The key here, belief in your own personal cause and persistence. If you are doing the one thing that you are supposed to do based on who the Creator of all things says you are, then outside influences won’t really matter.  

If you have ever been in a commission sales position, you know what it takes to absorb the blow and move on to the next prospect.  In the beginning stages of every network marketing situation I've experienced there is always a list you are assigned to create specifically of family, friends and acquaintances.  I have found the hardest sale to close 2nd only to selling myself is selling those who know me well or rather have known me for some period of time. Those who have known us over time develop a particular perspective of how they view us which will vary from person to person.  Much of the time, those relationships may not be ready to see us change and grow as individuals (regardless of what these relations say or think). So some of the reactions we receive, be it to a new project, new car or anything that they (friends or family) may deem out of the ordinary for us are dismissed as a wish or just simple conversation.

Do Not Take This Personally.

More often than not, the perception they have of you at that moment is based on the emotions they are feeling while imagining themselves in the position you described yourself to be working towards.  The knee-jerk reaction is “I can't do that, so certainly you definitely can't”. But this does not have to define you, not if you remain persistent in your belief in yourself, your abilities and who God says you are.

To react or to respond…That is the Question

I am big on attempting to actively manage my day to day thoughts and behavior.  The sole reason this topic of rejection was put into print is because of my quest to gain an understanding of how and why I react to all things negative in life. It isn’t the negative experiences or situations that impede my happiness and growth, it is only me and how I process and choose to respond to the crap life can bring.  How I choose to think and then respond will make all the difference in the ultimate outcome of any situation. In addition, there is always room for improvement on every level.

“Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power”Seneca

I have asked several people whom I know personally this question. “Tell me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word REJECTION”.  One point that stands out, when asked this question pretty much every person I spoke to had the same or similar things to share.

Some of the answers I received were: (take time and consider your own thoughts)

- Disappointment, fear, unqualified, incapable, less than, irritation, crappy, not good enough, why?  Who are you to say…, Fear is a big one for me because my confidence is taking a hit…and so much more.

But here is where you can take control of you.  If you give over your attitude to what appears to be a negative situation or statement, you would be prone to reaction.  But if you remain objective and listen…you could prepare yourself and be able to respond.  The difference between the two is as great as the difference between yes and no.  Training yourself to respond rather than react will profit you in several ways.

  • You will have gained significantly more self-control over your own thoughts and actions.
  • When you respond to a negative situation, your level of anxiety will not rise as when you react without thinking.
  • The level of peace within you will grow and appear noticeable to others.

“HABIT is God's way of making good automatic in our lives.” Robert Russell

When you stop, listen and observe you may find the best response is to say or do nothing at all.  Training yourself to listen and observe can only improve your relations with others. In addition a good habit to pick up is with intent to purposefully see the good in everyone with whom you communicate with on a daily basis.  Basically, see others as they would like to be seen. We all have that one or two people who by nature just rub us the wrong way, the difficult people, the toxic people. These are the people in your path that you can use to exercise your response muscles.  The negative personalities that you deal with regularly are your first training partners.

It is important to fully understand that everyone who has ever done anything bigger than themselves has absorbed thousands of NO’s.  Rejection is normal. No one will ever go through life without it. The key is to make it a habit in your life to respond. I’m not saying it will be easy or that at some point you will have this rejection thing beaten.  The truth is as you grow as a person, in business or whatever the area of focus may be the speed bump of rejection will always linger somewhere close. After all, without resistance a plane would never fly much less get off the ground.

You can be You, reach your Dreams serve God & still Enjoy Life

Now It's My Turn | Rise Above the Ordinary:

Although written for young adults or teens who due to circumstances beyond their control were without emotional or financial support ANYONE CAN MAKE USE OF THESE PRINCIPLES.


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