
Showing posts from August, 2017

Embrace Simplicity - Dial Down the Noise

I'd like to make a point on how important it is that you are careful when comparing yourself to other people. It's easy to get caught up in the "feeling" as if we are not progressing based on a surface view of what we may think others are doing within their own lives.  This Is A Lie and A Trap! The over exposure of entertainment in our culture has us brainwashed into confusing our WANTS with our NEEDS. It has also set a standard of beauty that is so unrealistic that there is, in my opinion a mass epidemic of Self-Mutilation that is encouraged on a grand scale. DIAL DOWN the NOISE  When we are on our way to becoming our true self, in the process we learn to focus our thoughts and behavior in an increasingly deliberate manner. There will be many challenges to becoming your true self, many of which will be other people. All other outside voices and influential distractions will need to be dialed down to a minimum. This does not mean ...

How Can You Know If Your Dream Is Right For You

What Is Your Level Of Commitment? When a person is committed, they will accept the responsibility long before they are given the authority.  In general, potential employers at all levels view college graduates as a group who have documentation that proved they took the time and effort to finish something they started. Something much bigger than the individual. They were committed. Commitment Is Largely Misunderstood : When you have the resolve, the resources will follow. Committed Leaders Show It With Their Lives :  "You can't shake hands with a clenched fist" (Ghandi) Commitment Is The Fraternal Twin of Decision : It is your present decisions that determine your future condition. Commitment Does Not Allow You To Get Off Course : If you are avoiding the hard work, it's probably because you are not as committed as much as you may think. Commitment Sometimes Must Be Made Long Before A Situation Arises :  P...

The Lost Discipline of the Pencil & Paper

Is Personal Journaling a Dying Discipline? A Look Back On Your Life Via Your Thoughts In Print The idea of following and imitating the habits of people who get things done in life became at some level an obsession of mine.  One of the most talked about habits spoken about by the greats of motivational speaking is the act of having a journal on hand.  For myself, putting my thoughts in print was, is and always has been a priority for growth. At first keeping a journal seemed trivial and I dare say weak.  At that point in my world, I had only heard of girls keeping a diary or old Hollywood black and white movies with Errol Flynn or Ricardo Montalban who were actors portraying pirates recording the days events in the ships log books. I  and was unable to grasp the importance, benefits and therapeutic value of putting pen to paper and holding onto my thoughts for safe keeping to review at a later date.  Eventually, the value of this...