Self Discipline in 10 steps

Ten Ideas On Discipline from Pastor John McArthur of Grace Community Church Los Angeles County, California 1. Begin with small things: Learn to discipline yourself in the little things of life, because it's the little things of life that make for the big successes. 2. Clean Your Environment: Get rid of all that stuff, clean your desk, your room, your house, your garage. Become Discontent with mess in general. 3. Make A Schedule & Learn To Conform To It: Whether it's an absolute hard and fast schedule which appeals to the engineer or accountant type folks, or whether it's a little more fluid , but nonetheless you can anticipate things and you can establish time frames in which they need to be done and learn to train yourself to keep that schedule. 4. Decrease Your Need For Entertainment: Entertainment makes a very, very small contribution to your well being and to your success. Wean yourself off of being entertained. 5. Learn To Be On Time: Even ...