As the World Changes I Remain Flexible

The following is from my Ebook Now It's My Turn on Amazon.

Setting Goals in Detail

The wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV).

Gaining a clear and precise vision brings life to our innermost being. Having no vision at all, not knowing the direction we should take, and having no dreams takes life from us because we have nothing of any consequence to live for. Basically, find your purpose in life, and you will truly have a life worth living.

Some people know exactly what they want and are meant to do from a very young age. Others need to focus and experience different situations both positive and negative. I found out from trial and error and from seeking God what my personal mission in life is. Perhaps your journey is similar. Your purpose in life could be to run for public office, or it could be to raise responsible children who will go out into the world and make a difference. It could be nothing more than living a life that others would want to imitate. Whatever your purpose is, I promise you that it has everything to do with service to others in some capacity.

Let’s begin mapping out and plotting the course of our vision or dream.

Get a notebook or binder or an Excel spreadsheet. (Note: For your first time, I suggest a notebook, journal, or something that forces you to handwrite what is on your mind. If you are truly meant to complete the project you have chosen, you will be putting some of your heart’s deepest desires on paper, in print, where you can visually see some of what you say to yourself.)

1. List the most important areas of your life: relationship with God, your spouse, career, and health. You could even make a category for each child. You decide what you want to focus on.

2. List the most important dreams you have for each area of your life. Try to make it a summary so you have one or two sentences per dream.

3. Identify why you want the dream. The WHY is the key to your motivation.

4. Look at your dream, and be sure it is measurable, meaning it is obtainable. At the time this was first put to print, I was 44 years old. Playing in the NFL or entertaining in the WWE simply won’t happen. My body doesn’t have it anymore.

5. Set a definite date you want to accomplish your dream and each step and task involved in reaching that dream.

Now, for each individual dream, get a new sheet of paper.

Goals to Dreams
State your dream at the top of the page. Make a list of goals that need to be reached in order to achieve that dream.

Steps to Goals
Write the goal at the top of the page. List the steps that need to be completed in order to reach the goal.

Tasks to Steps
Any steps that need multiple tasks, list them. If each step requires only one task to be completed, then there is no reason to go further. The bigger your dream, the deeper level of tasks it will take. 

NOTE: You will ALWAYS need to add, subtract, or adjust tasks and steps as needed. So remember, to be successful, you must be flexible.

For my current project I am taking the necessary steps to becoming a professional Voice Actor and everything that entails. Below are my notes for building a portable home Sound Studio specifically for voice overs. These notes coincide with the segment above taken from my Ebook Now It's My Turn on Amazon.

Documenting My Journey via Instagram

SOUND EQUIPMENT: Under $1000.00

• Headphones due 5/19/20☆ $40.00

• Microphone 5/22/20☆ $115.00

• Mic Stand 5/22/20☆ $25.00

• Sound Booth 5/29/20☆ $215.42

• Soundboard 5/30/20☆ $56.00

• Sundries $90.00 (mic cords, pop filter ect)

• Laptop FREE (gift from a friend)

• 20 inch computer screen FREE

• Computer Desk FREE

• Office Chair FREE

Voice Acting/Narration 100%

I may have seed money 4/21/2020

1st Steps
• Collect tools☆☆☆

Current Beginning Tools
• AUDACITY (downloaded)☆☆☆
• Lapel mic☆☆☆
• Headphones $40. Amazon☆☆☆
• Sound booth ☆☆☆

Update Tools~◇
• quality Cardioid/Dynamic mic from Amazon☆☆☆
• Ipad or Macbook for sound engineering Only-????

"Stupid Money, Real Easy"


Use my own Ebook as a Sample
• The Bible
Dr. Cut Me Up



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