Your Calling - Your Passion 2

Do What You Love & the Money Will Come....Really!? Several people I've known personally have made comments to me about this statement and the use of it in my book RISE ABOVE THE ORDINARY. Understandably, the true point at its base level was not made, but that wasn't the purpose of the book. The purpose is to provide ideas on certain habits that a disenfranchised individual can adopt in order to change their lives and further become who God intended that person to be. Let's break this down . "What is the one thing that you do so well and enjoy doing so much that you would gladly do it for FREE?" OK, so you have found your passion or at least, something that can put you on the right path. There are two simple rules necessary in order to make a living from your passion. Now keep in mind, both rules have multiple levels and vary based on what your passion is and who you are. Those levels are part of your personal journey and for you alone to discov...