REJECTION REJECTED…Whether a child belittled by an older sibling or a senior citizen snubbed by the local punk-kid cashier, we all deal with rejection throughout our lives. No one I’ve ever met obtains enjoyment from being turned down, turned away or simply told no. The scars that can remain over time could be at least in part, responsible for our slow and stumbling progress. Rejection or how we allow the follow up feelings from rejection to affect us can leave lasting damage to our self-esteem which intern will impede our forward progress in life. The center of our feelings of rejection stem from who and how we define ourselves. This is our identity. The topic of Identity is for another time. However, you may want to consider who or what are you comparing yourself to and thus attempting to seek approval from? Is it what your parents, friends or coworkers thought of you? Or is it about status and how much money you earn or the image you portray? ...
Showing posts from September, 2018