A Passion for Learning

In my personal quest to learn and grow in all areas of life I have found that if you explain to many people the habits they will need to gain and habits they will need to drop in order to truly design their lives their way, most people will not believe you. Sadly, the current and past two generations seem to hold this error in thinking. Imagine living a few hundred years in the past during a time when necessity alone dictated the need for gaining new skills and abilities much larger than yourself after your formal schooling years had ended. It was the norm and a must simply to survive and everyone did it. If you were lucky enough you could be born into a family that owned books or maybe get a job working for a printer. But wait, general schooling usually didn’t involve girls. Most females were not provided a disciplined classroom education. But that doesn’t mean people without general schooling didn’t grow in education, intellect or ability. Abigail ...